Please limit response to no more than 2 typewritten pages (not including any graphs or figures)
Question 1
The charts from the Newman and Kenworthy study (link below) give 1995 data for comparing cities in seven different categories.
For each group of cities listed, determine the range of values in each of the seven categories: American Cities, European Cities, High Income Asian Citie. Develop a series of bar graphs for comparing the results.
Summarize what you consider to be the most signficant findings from these comparisons.
Question 2
In the Newman and Kenworthy reading, Table 3.4 gives fuel efficiency of cars, and Table 3.5 gives modal energy efficiency.
Calculate the ratio of the value for American cites to that of European cities for the following measures: fuel efficiency of urban cars (in MJ/km), modal efficiency of cars, modal efficiency of bus, modal efficiency of rail.
Please summarize the main findings from these calculations.
Question 3
According to the information in Figure 3.1 from the reading, total fuel use for urban transportation is largely determined by technology, economy, infrastructure and urban form.
Based on the results from your calculations above and and your observations from Question 1, which would you say appear to be the MOST and LEAST important of these four factors in determining the relative amount of fuel that is used for transportation in American cities compared to that in European cities.
Please explain your conclusions.
Question 4
Jarrett Walker lists seven key characteristics of an effective transit system. Three of these characteristics are a) It is a good use of my time, b) It is a good use of my money, b) It respects me.
For each of these characteristics list the type of information that you would need to collect to assess whether or not transit in a given cities are best meeting the goals for these characteristics.
Question 4
Jarrett Walker lists freedom as one of the seven key characteristics of an effective transit system. In my mind, no mode of transportation offers complete freedom - travel always comes at a cost. In some measures of freedom, transit is superior, while in others, cars perform better. Make as comprehensive a list as possible of those aspects of freedom for which transit performs better and a similar list for cars.
Please limit response to no more than 2 typewritten pages (not including any graphs or figures)