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CE 4720 and CE 5720
Street Design
Homework 4
due Thursday February 25

Lyngby Hovedgade, Lyngby, Denmark

Question 1

Lecture 4.2 illustrates the wide variety of street types that make up the street network in Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin.


Estimate 1) likely volume of people transported, 2) likely traffic vehicle volume and 3) traffic speed on each road (just ballpark in all cases).


Rate the five streets from the point of view of livability on a 10 point scale (0 worst).


Describe specific features of the i) street network design, and ii) street design characteristics that contribute to the transportation performance (identified above) and the livability of each street.


Question 2


This question is based on the street network shown in the attached slide show.

A total of five squares are highlighted for the three street networks. For the section of street network that is highlighted determine

  1. The type of street network based on the classification system given in Lecture 4.1

  2. The scale or density of the network (based on intersection per square mile)

  3. The level of connectedness of the street network (based on link-to-node ratio).









Question 3

(this is a summary of the in-class work)

In Lecture 4.2, street networks are shown for three potential stops on the new Hartford Line (commuter rail from New Haven to Springfield) and one stop on the Shoreline East Rail Line (four stops in all).

Use the seven patterns for strong urban street network to rate these street network on the extent to which they meet each criteria.

Based on these ratings, list the cities in the order from best to worst on the strength of their street network, and thus, their potential to host strong transit oriented development (TOD).


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