Question 1
Use Lecture 1.1 as the basis for developing a timeline for important milestones in the history of streets and highways in America.
Question 2
Draw cross-sections (similar to that shown above) using StreetMix for the three locations marked on the maps for Storrs Road and Russell Boulevard (Davis, CA).
The purpose of this exercise is to assess how the roadway design can vary in response to changes in the land use context. And also to get a sense of how this variation in design affects the look and feel and function of the roadway.
Use Google Earth to help to determine the dimensions and features of the cross-section.
For each location, answer the following questions:
1. Is the land-use of the location, rural, suburban or urban?
2. On a 10 point scale (10 is excellent), rate each cross-section on how well it facilitates travel by a) walking, b) biking, c) motor vehicles.
3. On a 10 point scale, rate each cross-section on the extent to which it serves the surrounding land-use.
Overall, which of these two roads appear to do a better job in fitting design to land-use context. Please discuss briefly.
Question 3
Hanks Hill Road (east of Storrs Road) generally accommodates pedestrians even though it does not have sidewalks. That section of South Eagleville Road west of Separatist Road is not generally used by pedestrians.
Use Google Earth to characterize the differences in design between these two sections of roadway.
Based on these differences speculate as to why pedestrians appear to be more comfortable using Hanks Hill rather than South Eagleville.